Spring Bible Study
5:30 P.M.
(Every Wednesday Evening (for a total of 7-weeks} beginning 04/10/24 – 05/22/24)
(Mark your calendar and plan on attending)

Beginning Wednesday evening (April 10, 2024) at 5:30 pm, we will begin our Spring Bible Study entitled Christianity/Explored. Our study will be based on the Gospel of Mark developed by Rico Tice and Barry Cooper published by the Good Book Company.
The author explains what “identity, mission, and call” means, where it came from, and how it works in Mark’s Gospel. The study is designed to be flexible as possible and allow the Bible to speak for itself. Christianity Explored gives individuals time and space to discover the best news ever heard. Discovering who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today.
We look forward to seeing you on April 10th at 5:30 pm. at Cove Church.